What’s new to talk about this Thursday at OnlineBibleWorld? If you were curious or wanted to buy coins from the time of Jesus, there’s a new online site that provides information and sales Tyre Shekel, or “Judas coins”.
Also, a new survey out describes how different Southern Baptists feel about some key issues compared to the public.
And finally, another article described how New York must recognize out-of-state ‘gay marriage’ even though it isn’t legal in New York.
Let’s get to the links…
Site for Tyre Shekel or “Judas Coins”
You may have never thought about buying coins from the time of Jesus. Coin News writes about a new online site by First Fidelity Reserve called “The Money of the Bible.” The site provides information on Tyre Shekel or “Judas coins,” which are believed to be the same type coins offered to Judas.
The CEO of First Fidelity Reserve was quoted as saying:
“Our goal was to provide numismatists who collect coins of antiquity, a site that gives the historical background of these important coins, called the Tyre Shekel.”
Apparently the site also sales the coins. For more, check out First Fidelity Reserve Launches Site, Money of the Bible.
Southern Baptists Differ with Public
The Christian Post reports that Southern Baptists are more conservative compared to the average American. Especially when it comes to issues like stem cell research and global warming.
Audrey Barrick writes about a new study by LifeWay Research that:
showed 80 percent of pastors from the Southern Baptist Convention – the largest Protestant denomination in the country – plan to vote for Republican nominee-in-waiting John McCain despite suspicion from the Christian right of his conservative stances
For more on how Southern Baptists feel about global warming, physician-assisted suicide and stem cell research, read Survey: Southern Baptists Differ Starkly with Public on Key Issues.
New York to Recognize Out-of-State Gay ‘Marriage’
Same-sex marriages legally performed elsewhere will be recognized in New York in response to a state court ruling this year, Gov. David Paterson’s spokeswoman said Wednesday.
And further, according to a memo, state agencies must comply immediately to make sure “spouse,” “husband” and “wife” are clearly understood to include gay couples.
Gay marriage is not legal in New York, but the memo based on a New York Appellate Division court ruling would recognize the marriages of New Yorkers who are legally wed elsewhere.
For the entire article, read N.Y. to Recognize Out-of-State Gay ‘Marriage’.
That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon!